Friday, September 20, 2013

Why did I make this blog???

If you are a working woman living the single life than this is the blog for you!  I live in a city in the midwest where everyone marries early.  I left this city after college, did some travelling, came back to find all the good guys had already been taken.  Whats worse is that people have assume that since I am as old as I am (a whopping 28) and unmarried there must be something wrong with me.  My sister gets the same crap and as a result she moved to another state. 

Why didn't I move away again you ask?  Well I stumbled into my dream job some how and the one good thing about this city is that downtown living is affordable.  So I putter along...Going to art events, dining in little downtown cafes on weekends, and on a typical workweek, go to work, go home, go to work go home, go to work go home.  I'm to old to hit the club scene on a weekday and my married freinds have to be back home by 8 so "their kids" can go to bed.  That's an excuse though they are the ones who like to sleep.

So...long story short this blog will be about my single life, maybe it will help you out maybe it won't, maybe it will provide you young ladies with some nice comic relief when you are fixing your hair at 10:30 getting ready to go out and be malled by guys.  Whatever floats your boat!

 If you read this and have advice for me then by all means let me know!